My woodcuts combine traditional religious and historical imagery from disparate sources, often with animals.
I was raised in a Christian family. I moved around the world, experiencing societies founded in different religious traditions. Combining images from different faith traditions is a way of exploring the shared pursuits of mystery and meaning over time. It is not meant as disrespect, nor is my message simply one of unitarianism. I am predominantly exploring the possibilities within the visual language of traditional religious art. I am pushing the boundaries of inclusion to create complex new images of deity, spirit and consciousness. I add animals in with traditional compositions to include all conscious life in the conversation about our spiritual origins.
Religious thinking as well as visual representations of deity has evolved over time. The old icons and paintings of Christ, Vishnu, Buddha, or non-figurative traditions like Islam and Judaism, say much about how our predecessors thought about the stories of gods, saints and spirits. The world is getting smaller, and the connections between our pursuit of meaning are more clear. To that end, I seek to merge all pieces of spiritual evolution that I find interesting, beautiful and significant.